Ex-DEEP PURPLE Keyboardist JON LORD On 'Summer Proms' Gigs: 'I Am Not The Warm-Up Act!'
July 22, 2008Former DEEP PURPLE keyboardist Jon Lord has posted the following message on his official web site:
"Just to clear up what appears to be a bit of confusion about what I am playing at these three UK 'Summer Proms' gigs I'm doing on next Saturday the 26th July at Weston Park in Staffordshire, then on 16th August at Castle Howard in Yorkshire and on 23rd August at Marble Hill near Twickenham.
"It has been variously reported that I'm playing the Concerto for Group and Orchestra, and/or that I am just doing a 'warm-up' set with the Gemini Band before the 'main event.'
"So here's the reality: I am playing three pieces — 'The Telemann Experiment', 'The Road from Lindisfarne' and 'Bourree (from Sarabande)'. I will be playing piano and will have Steve White on drums and Mark Cox on guitar (and a bass guitarist I haven't met yet!) plus all three pieces will be with the full orchestra, and will be closing the first half of the evening.
"Much as I try really hard not to get too puffed up, and get myself into a hissy fit about my position on the bill, I also have to confirm the following: I am NOT the 'warm-up act!'"